The Collective Computation of Reality in Nature and Society
“Of Being Riddle, Randomness, or Code”
The first computers were not invented by humans but by nature. The mantra of complexity science—that complexity arises from interactions among simple components—is wrong. The parts—whether cells, neurons, bees, or humans—are often wonderfully complex themselves but operate under many constraints and are prone to failure and myopia and, consequently, errors in information processing that can lead to a profound misunderstanding of the nature of reality. In this public lecture, Jessica Flack will discuss how nature computes. She will build on the above points to argue collective computation—computation by the parts together—evolved as a solution to imperfect information processing, sometimes resulting in recovery of the “ground truth out there in the world” and sometimes resulting in a collectively constructed reality that takes on a life and meaning of its own. Flack will also discuss how an understanding of computation in nature challenges us to broaden our understanding of computation’s theoretical foundations.
“All things are words belonging to that language / In which Someone or Something, night and day, / Writes down the infinite babble that is, per se, / The history of the world. And in that hodgepodge / Both Rome and Carthage, he and you and I, / My life that I don’t grasp, this painful load / Of being riddle, randomness, or code, / And all of Babel’s gibberish stream by.
-Jorge Luis Borges, two stanzas from his poem, The Compass
Flack is a professor at the Santa Fe Institute and director of its Collective Computation Group. Flack’s interests include the role of collective computation in the origins of biological space and time, coarse-graining in nature, causality, and robustness.
Reserve your tickets to this event through the Lensic Online Box Office. Seating is free, but limited. For those unable to attend, you can stream this lecture live via our YouTube page, or Twitter.
These community lectures are brought to you at no cost by the Santa Fe Institute, with additional support from the Lensic Performing Arts Center and the Santa Fe Reporter.