Defector-Accelerated Cooperativeness and Punishment in Public Goods Games with MutationsAuthors: Helbing, D,Szolnoki, A.,Perc, M.,Szabo, G.Journal: Physical Review EYear: 2010Papers
Self-Organization and Emergence in Social Systems: Modeling the Coevolution of Social Environments and Cooperative BehaviorWorking Paper
Modeling robustness of COVID-1 containment policies to heterogeneity and uncertainty: The TRACE modelAuthors: Hammond, Ross A.; Joseph T. Ornstein; Rob Purcell; Matthew D. Haslam and Matt KasmanJournal: OSF PreprintsYear: 2021Papers
Gigahertz sub-Landauer momentum computingAuthors: Ray, Kyle J. and James P. CrutchfieldJournal: Physical Review AppliedYear: 2023Papers