Ross Hammond

External Professor

Dr. Hammond is the Betty Bofinger Brown Distinguished Professor of Public Health at Washington University in St Louis. He is also Director of the Center on Social Dynamics & Policy and a Senior Fellow in Economics at The Brookings Institution. His research for the past two decades has focused on applying complex systems science to challenging policy problems, including work on chronic disease prevention, health disparities, pandemic containment, tobacco control, implementation science, and the food system. He has authored numerous articles in journals such as The Lancet, Science, JAMA, Nature Medicine, PNAS, and the American Journal of Public Health, and his work has been featured in The Atlantic Monthly, New Scientist, Salon, NPR, The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, and major news outlets. Professor Hammond is an advisory Special Government Employee at the FDA and serves on the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academies of Science. Hammond previously served on the DHHS Advisory Council on Minority Health and Health Disparities at NIH, on several National Academy of Sciences consensus panels, and on the recent Lancet Commission on Obesity, and he has been a founding member of several NIH scientific networks focused on computational system science modeling.