Rajiv Sethi
External Professor, Science Steering Committee
Rajiv Sethi is a co-author, with Brendan O’Flaherty, of Shadows of Doubt: Stereotypes, Crime, and the Pursuit of Justice (Harvard University Press, 2019). His primary areas of research are in microeconomic theory, with applications to communication, crime, policing, and inequality. He is currently working on the geography of lethal force.
Primary Institution: Barnard College, Columbia University
Role/Title: Professor of Economics
Topics of Interest: Agent-based Modeling - Behavior - Economics - Evolution - Finance - Law/Policy - Network Theory - Polarization/Misinformation/ Cyberhate - Risk & Uncertainty - Social Science - Strategy/Decision Making
How SFI changes your mind: SFI changed my intellectual life and research trajectory through the collected volume "The Economy as and Evolving Complex System" (edited by Arrow, Anderson, and Pines) which I read when I was just starting graduate school
When and how you first got involved with SFI: I was invited to a workshop on "Moral Sentiments and Material Interests" (with contributions eventually published as chapters in a book with that title); the organizers were Sam Bowles, Rob Boyd, Ernst Fehr and Herb Gintis
Favorite Book: Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man
Favorite Film: The Lunchbox