Species’ evolutionary choice: Disperse or adapt?

Dispersal and adaptation are two fundamental evolutionary strategies available to species given an environment. Generalists, like dandelions, send their offspring far and wide. Specialists, like alpine flowers, adapt to the conditions of a particular place. 

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What clues do paleo food webs hold for modern ecosystems?

Modern, historical, and paleontological food webs share a remarkable degree of structural similarity, suggesting we might be able to predict and even influence modern food web responses to perturbations such as species extinctions, according to two SFI scientists in American Scientist.

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Workshop: Rethinking the power grid

With the nation’s power grid under increasing stress by a number of forces, the business of delivering electricity is in need of a rethink, if not an overhaul. A workshop at SFI this week asks what the future grid might look like.

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How multicellular life persisted

SFI Omidyar Fellow Eric Libby and co-author William Ratcliff explore how early multicellular life might have persisted amidst the evolutionary tug-of-war between single-celled and multi-celled living arrangements.

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