Jack Cowan, Uwe Heiden, John Milton, Trevor Mundel, Jean-Paul Spire

Paper #: 94-09-052

Waves of neural activity with velocities of 10 to 90 cm/sec have been recorded with microelectrodes and electrode grids from hippocampal slices (Miles et al. 1988, Novak and Wheeler 1989) and velocities of 20 to 30 cm/sec from the cortical surface (Rosenbluth and Cannon 1942). These waves take many forms, for example, travelling waves (Haglund et al. 1992, Petsche and Sterc 1968), standing waves (Nunez 1988), and rotating waves (Shevelev et al. 1993). The organization of large masses of neurons into synchaornized waves of activity lies at the basis of phenomena such as the EEG and evoked potentials.