Beyond Number of Bit Erasures: New Complexity Questions Raised by Recently Discovered Thermodynamic Costs of ComputationAuthors: Grochow, J.,Wolpert, D.Year: 2018Papers
Network architectures supporting learnabilityAuthors: Zurn, Perry and Danielle S. BasettJournal: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological SciencesYear: 2019Papers
Stanislaw Ulam Memorial Lecture Series: The Limits of Computers in Science and Society - Lecture 1Type: CommunityDate: September 24, 2018Events
Computational Mechanics of Input-Output Processes: Structured Transformations and the is an element of-TransducerAuthors: Barnett, N.,Crutchfield, J. P.Journal: Journal of Statistical PhysicsYear: 2015Papers
Computation in Finitary Stochastic and Quantum ProcessesAuthors: Wiesner, K.,Crutchfield, J. P.Year: 2008Papers
Computational capacity of LRC, memristive, and hybrid reservoirsAuthors: Sheldon, Forrest C.; Artemy Kolchinsky and Francesco CaravelliJournal: Physical Review EYear: 2022Papers