The Complex Alternative: Complexity Scientists on the COVID-19 PandemicAuthors: David C. Krakauer and Geoffrey WestYear: 2021Books
Structure and Strategy in Collective Action: Communication and Coordination in Social NetworksWorking Paper
Can a Minimal Replicating Construct be Identified as the Embodiment of Cancer?Authors: Sole, R. V.,Valverde, S.,Rodriguez-Caso, C.,Sardanyes, J.Year: 2014Papers
Topological Vulnerability of the European Power Grid under Errors and AttacksAuthors: Rosas-Casals, M.,Valverde, S.,Solé, R. V.Year: 2007Papers
Chaos in spin glasses revealed through thermal boundary conditionsAuthors: Wang, W. L.,Machta, J.,Katzgraber, H. G.Journal: Physical Review BYear: 2015Papers
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A Simple Spatiotemporal Evolution Model of a Transmission Power GridAuthors: Marti Rosas-Casals, Sergi Valverde, Ricard SoleYear: 2018Papers