Strain-dependent mutational effects for Pepino mosaic virus in a natural hostAuthors: Minicka, J.,Elena, S. F.,Borodynko-Filas, N.,Rubis, B.,Hasiow-Jaroszewska, B.Year: 2017Papers
Detecting signal from science: The structure of research communities and prior knowledge improves prediction of genetic regulatory experimentsAuthors: Belikov, Alenander V.; Andrey Rzhetsky and James EvansJournal: arXivYear: 2020Papers
Robustness of the Second Law of Thermodynamics under Generalizations of the Maximum Entropy MethodWorking Paper
Computational Feature-Sensitive Reconstruction of Language Relationships: Developing the ALINE Distance for Comparative Historical Linguistic ReconstructionWorking Paper
NetworkExtinction: An R package to simulate extinction’s propagation and rewiring potential in ecological networksAuthors: Avila-Thieme, M. Isidora; Derek Corcoran; Erik Kusch; Simon P. Castillo; Fernando S. Valdovinos; Sergio A. Navarrete and Pablo A. MarquetJournal: Methods in Ecology and EvolutionYear: 2023Papers
Genonets server-a web server for the construction, analysis and visualization of genotype networksAuthors: Khalid, F.,Aguilar-Rodriguez, J.,Wagner, A;.,Payne, J. L.Year: 2016Papers
Interaction Games: A Unified Analysis of Incomplete Information, Local Interaction, and Random MatchingWorking Paper