Talbot, Thomas; Henry T. Wright and Brendan Nash
By 16,000 calendar years ago, glacial melt waters from the ice masses in the basins which would hold lakes Erie, Huron, and Michigan had sculpted vast sandy plains with innumerable kettle lakes, gravel hills, and former channels. These provided a mosaic of marshes, open herbaceous vegetation, and patches of forest sustaining a diversity of herbivores. This rich ecosystem was the home of forager groups using different stone tool assemblages at different times. A small assemblage from the Belson site, made entirely on Attica chert from sources 235 km to the southwest, manifests characteristic Clovis techniques of biface reduction and basal preparation. At present it is the northwestern-most such occurrence in the Great Lakes region. If so, it should date about 13,000 calendar years ago. Further research will better characterize the tool industry and directly establish its age and ecological context.