Jim Crutchfield

External Professor

Jim Crutchfield teaches nonlinear physics at the University of California, Davis, directs its Complexity Sciences Center, and promotes science interventions in nonscientific settings. He’s mostly concerned with what patterns are, how they are created, and how intelligent agents discover them; see http://csc.ucdavis.edu/∼chaos/.

Primary Institution: University of California Davis

Role/Title: Distinguished Professor of Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science

Topics of Interest: Agent-based Modeling - AI/Machine Learning - Arts - Behavior - Biology - Economics - Engineering - Evolution - Intelligence - Linguistics - Mathematics/Computer Science - Network Theory - Neuroscience - Physics - Scaling - Technology/Innovation - Time - Intrinsic Computation - Physics of Adaptation

Other Affiliations and Institutions: Telluride Science Research Center, General Member and Board Member; Art & Science Laboratory, President and Scientific Director; Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, Visiting Scholar; Institute of Unknown Purpose, Co-Founder

When and how you first got involved with SFI: 1989