About the Fund
The overall objective of the Lou Schuyler Postdoctoral Research Fund is to increase independence and research productivity and to advance the future scientific and scholarly endeavors of early career SFI postdoctoral scholars by:
- providing internal funds to stimulate new, exploratory research directions and improve the quality of preliminary data, analyses, modeling, and other scholarly activities
- providing an opportunity for increased mentorship and training of early career scholars learning to navigate grant processes, including grant proposal development and post award grant management
- providing support for early career scholars to build collaborative networks through transdisciplinary team building activities
Postdoctoral researchers employed at the Santa Fe Institute may apply to the fund for small internal grants encompassing materials, supplies, travel, meetings, equipment and/or other direct costs of research and scholarly activity which otherwise would not be feasible with other available internal funds. The Lou Schuyler Postdoctoral Scholarship Fund is managed by the SFI Research Development and Sponsored Research Office in the Office of Science.
To find out more about the donor, please click here.
All applicants for funding will be required to submit a short grant proposal as described here. Please contact Lori Kam at lkam@santafe.edu with any questions about the program or the application process.