During SFI's two-part 2016 Stanislaw Ulam Memorial Lecture Series in Santa Fe, Seth Lloyd explored The Information Edge -- what happens when one system gains an advantage in collecting and processing information.
Watch his lectures on YouTube here.
Lecture I - Monday, September 26. Birth. The Information Edge, which occurs when one system gains an advantage in collecting and processing information, is behind all creation, from the formation of stars, planets, and galaxies in the early universe to the generation of wealth emerging from interactions among economic agents. Watch this lecture here (90 minutes).
Lecture II - Tuesday, September 27. Collapse and Re-birth. The Information Edge has a darker side. It’s not only responsible for the collapse of stars and the formation of black holes, it’s also behind mass extinctions, the unraveling of ecosystems, and financial collapse. Lloyd explores this destruction and describes how stars, ecosystems, and economies can regain productive balance in its aftermath. Watch this lecture here (87 minutes).
Lloyd is a professor of mechanical engineering at MIT, a member of SFI’s Science Board and external faculty, and author of Programming the Universe: A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes on the Cosmos. His research focuses on the interplay of information with complex systems.
Hear a preview of Lloyd's talk on KSFR public radio (6 minutes)
Generous underwriting from Thornburg Investment Management, with additional generous support from The Lensic Performing Arts Center, makes SFI's 2016 community lecture series possible.