SFI's Complexity Explorer project will offer three free online courses starting on Monday September 29.
• Introduction to Complexity is a re-offering of our popular introductory course. Taught by SFI's Melanie Mitchell, this course has no prerequisites and is appropriate for anyone who wants to learn what the field of complexity is all about.
• Nonlinear Dynamics: Mathematical and Computational Approaches is a new course, taught by SFI’s Liz Bradley. The course will cover dynamics and chaos from both theoretical and practical perspectives, with emphasis on mathematical and computational tools.
• Mathematics for Complex Systems is not so much a “course” as a set of independent mathematics tutorials, covering the mathematical tools and approaches most relevant to complex systems science. These tutorials are being developed by several different SFI-related faculty, and will be rolled out on the Complexity Explorer site over the period of a year or so.
All these courses are free and open to anyone. For more information and to enroll, go to complexityexplorer.org.