In partnership with the Violet Crown Cinema, the Santa Fe Institute will present the North American premiere screening of “Adventures of a Mathematician.”

In this arresting account of the top-secret Manhattan Project, the brilliant Jewish-Polish mathematician Stanislaw Ulam struggles with wartime loss and moral dilemmas at the dawn of the nuclear age. Along with his brother, Ulam escapes Poland on the eve of the Nazi invasion and eventually becomes a U.S. citizen. His profound mastery of mathematics makes him a prized recruit to the legendary team of European scientists at Los Alamos working to develop the atomic bomb, but the young man is conflicted about his contributions to nuclear weaponry and haunted by the fate of the family he left behind in Poland. Director Thor Klein weaves an honest and poignant portrait of this brilliant and ambitious man caught in a moral crisis.

After the screening of this film, SFI President David Krakauer will moderate a Q&A with the film’s writer and director, Thor Klein, and the film’s producer, Lena Vurma.

As Krakauer explains, “Stan Ulam’s ideas and curiosity exemplify the kind of science that SFI seeks to pursue - rigorous, boundless, playful, and consequential. We name our flagship lecture series after Stan in honor of his expansive mind and the place he called his home. ”

Join us on Wednesday, September 29, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. for this one-time-only community event at the Violet Crown Cinema in Santa Fe. In keeping with COVID-safe practices, seats are limited and masks are required.

Tickets can be reserved through the Violet Crown.


The film will be widely released to the general public on October 1st, via Apple TV.