New paper answers causation conundrum

In a new paper, SFI's Jessica Flack offers a practical answer to one of the most significant, and most confused questions in evolutionary biology — can higher levels of organization drive the behavior of lower-level components?

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When species compete, it’s a colossal game of rock-paper-scissors

Organisms competing for contested resources like nutrients, light, and space play an important role in biodiversity shown in a recent paper co-authored by incoming SFI Omidyar Fellow Jacopo Grilli whose model offers a better understanding than that provided by previous models of how diverse communities are maintained in nature.

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New Studios deliver ACtioN-able insights

SFI’s Applied Complexity Network (ACtioN) is offering The Studio which is a multi-day intensive workshop wherein a group of a firm’s decision-makers convene at SFI and meet with SFI scientists to work through aspects of complexity theory that apply to their organization’s specific challenges.

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Global trade entrenches poverty traps

A theorem published this week in the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics suggests that greater engagement in the international exchange can actually reinforce productivity-impeding practices that keep countries in poverty.

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