Scholars seek a lingua franca for linguistics research
This week at SFI, a group of scholars is meeting at SFI to develop a common language for combining vast and varied stores of linguistics data.
The latest news and events at the Santa Fe Institute
This week at SFI, a group of scholars is meeting at SFI to develop a common language for combining vast and varied stores of linguistics data.
An article in Newsweek magazine features the recent, and unusual, Santa Fe Institute-Lannan Foundation event in Santa Fe during which art, music, math, and science collided.
A singular conversation between artist James Drake and incoming SFI President David Krakauer unfolded August 5 in Santa Fe, in conjunction with the first public reading from SFI Trustee Cormac McCarthy’s new novel The Passenger.
On August 14, National Navajo Code Talkers Day, SFI commemorates the World War II Code Talkers' remarkable achievement in using an evolved human language to create the most advanced encryption algorithms of the day.
The Santa Fe Institute this week renamed its main building after legendary physicist and complex systems pioneer Murray Gell-Mann.
In interviews with Santa Fe-area reporters this month, new SFI President David Krakauer asks what the Institute's unique role in science should be and what questions the Institute might be asking.
On Saturday morning, August 1, some two dozen volunteers introduced an endangered cactus to the grounds of the Santa Fe Institute..
Computer algorithms that make human-quality short fiction, poetry, and dance music is the objective of a new Turing test-style competition and prize in creative intelligence.
A working group at SFI this week aims to further the linkages between experiment and theory in immune cell motility, or movement.
A diverse collection of social and natural scientists, archeologists, and historians are at SFI to share data and techniques for quantitatively comparing ancient and pre-modern cities.
In podcast interview on the Santa Fe Radio Café, SFI Sabbatical Visitor Ken Stanley discusses the role of serendipity in making great discoveries and the dangers of constraint by objective.
In an SFI Community Lecture on May 6, novelist and physicist Alan Lightman offered his perspective on timeless topics such as God, science, the universe, and religious experiences. Watch his talk.
In a ceremony Wednesday evening in Santa Fe, SFI awarded science teacher Dave Brooks and ten high school seniors the Institute's 2015 High School Prize for Scientific Excellence.
During an April 8 SFI Community Lecture in Santa Fe, statistician Susan Murphy showed how a healthcare decision approach that adapts treatment to each patient over time can improve patient outcomes. Watch the talk here.
During an SFI Community Lecture March 11 in Santa Fe, MIT's Alex Pentland described ways the mathematical analysis of social networks is fertile ground for understanding human behavior. Watch his talk.
Register now for SFI's 2015 Short Course — Exploring Complexity in Social Systems and Economics — August 25-27 in Santa Fe.
SFI is playing a leading role in an international scientific conference on complex systems science to be held this fall in Tempe, Arizona.
During an SFI Community Lecture January 14 in Santa Fe, Stanford linguist Daniel Jurafsky explored the stunningly complex language of food and what it tells us about our culture and society. Watch it now.
In an SFI Community Lecture November 12 in Santa Fe, psychologist Ginger Rhodes and author Richard Rhodes explored the history of the socialization of violence and make an argument for early intervention. Watch their talk.
We invite you to send in a candidate slogan for a new Alumni Community T-shirt. Entry deadline December 31, 2014.