The Osterholm Update: Trial supports broad-spectrum antibiotic prevention for pancreatic surgery

Quoting SFI External Professor Brandon Ogbunu.

New Scientist: How smart is ChatGPT really - and how do we judge intelligence in AIs?

Interview with SFI Faculty Melanie Mitchell.

Nature: COVID-19 amplified racial disparities in the US criminal legal system

Cowritten by SFI External Professor Brandon Ogbunu.

New Scientist: Physicist David Wolpert on how to study concepts beyond imagination

Conversation with SFI Faculty David Wolpert

Chemistry World: The messy chemistry that led to life

Quoting SFI External Faculty D. Eric Smith.

The American Prospect: Is Economics Self-Correcting?

Quoting SFI Faculty Sam Boules.

Scientific American: Life Evolves. Can Attempts to Create ‘Artificial Life’ Evolve, Too?

Referencing SFI Professor Chris Kempes.

Nerdwallet: My Path to Generational Wealth: ‘Continuously Diversifying’

Mentions studies from SFI.

The New York Times: What Makes A.I. Chatbots Go Wrong?

Quoting SFI Faculty Melanie Mitchell.

Gizmodo: How a Senator’s Misguided Tweet Can Help Us Understand AI

Featuring tweet from SFI Faculty Melanie Mitchell.

The Investor's Podcast: Richer, Wiser, Happier, Q1 2023 W/ William Green & Stig Brodersen

Highlighting SFI Life Trustee and Chairman Emeritus Bill Miller's time at SFI.

Tech Post and Science: Doing the math on a solar-powered future

Showcasing a new mathetmatical model by SFI Professor Sid Redner.

Nature: How will AI change mathematics? Rise of chatbots highlights discussion

Quoting SFI Faculty Melanie Mitchell.

Vox: Silicon Valley’s AI frenzy isn’t just another crypto craze

Quoting SFI Faculty Melanie Mitchell.

The Tim Ferris Show: Michael Mauboussin — How Great Investors Make Decisions, Harnessing The Wisdom (vs. Madness) of Crowds, Lessons from Race Horses, and More

Interview with SFI Trustee Michael Mauboussin

London Review of Books: I was there to inflict death: Cormac McCarthy’s Powers

Referencing the Santa Fe Institute in a review of SFI Trustee Cormac McCarthy's latest novels.

Risk Reversal: The Bad News Bears & A Conversation with Michael Mauboussin

Highlighting SFI Trustee Michael Mauboussin.

The New York Times: How to Use ChatGPT and Still Be a Good Person

Quoting SFI Faculty Melanie Mitchell.

Bloomberg / The National News: Why the humble hybrid vehicle isn’t going anywhere yet

Quoting SFI External Faculty Jessika Trancik.

Nature: Charles F. Stevens (1934–2022)

Highlighting SFI Science Board Fellow and External Faculty Charles "Chuck" Stevens.