  US Mountain Time
Michael Mina (Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health)

Testing our way out of COVID 19: A bumpy but possible path forward

Abstract:  Michael Mina has been advocating for widespread frequent testing even with lower sensitivity than with the FDA approved PCR test. In a recent preprint with Dan Larremore ( ) it was shown that daily testing, even with 100 fold lower sensitivity, can dramatically reduce the spread of COVID-19. The claim is that such tests, if used correctly, can stop the pandemic and open the economy at the same time.There is an effort underway to convince the FDA to allow for such tests to be used in non-clinical scenarios. (see

Dr. Mina will give an overview of the research and of the efforts to enable this solution.

See also:

Research Collaboration
SFI Host: 
Michael Lachmann and Cris Moore

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