Meeting Summary: This is the first meeting of the quarterly junior women’s caucus for the workshop on stochastic thermodynamics. Stochastic thermodynamics is a field with a very small number of senior women. At last year’s workshop (2020) no women gave talks, or asked any academic questions. This is largely a pipeline problem. We know that women are underrepresented at undergraduate and postgraduate level in physics more broadly.
It is vitally important therefore that women PostDocs and PhD students are equipped with the skills and confidence to progress to senior positions in the field and equally important that women undergraduate (Bachelors or Masters) students currently working on dissertations on stochastic thermodynamics are encouraged to apply to PhD programs within the field.
This recurring workshop aims to provide the following opportunities to its attendees:
• Access to senior academics in the field.
• Access to small group tutorials, lectures and skills workshops.
• Access to a tight knit community of junior women in stochastic thermodynamics.
• Priority access to the SFIs educational programs.
• A platform which can be shaped and used by the needs of the attendees.
US Mountain Time
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