CounterBalance is the Santa Fe Institute's applied seminar series on belief dynamics, focusing on issues such as cyberhate, misinformation, disinformation, and social polarization. The intention of these meetings is two-fold. First, these seminars provide a clearinghouse for practitioners, policy makers, and scholarly researchers to share and discuss new insights. Second, these seminars provide an opportunity to contextualize these insights within the broader understanding of complexity science.
The tenth session in our series will focus on polarization. Extreme polarization is a dangerous phenomenon that requires greater scientific attention to address effectively. In particular, polarization can hinder social coordination. By viewing political systems as complex adaptive systems, we can deepen our understanding of the dynamics of political polarization and related trends. This meeting, based on last month’s special feature in PNAS, will feature presentations by Simon Levin and Olivia Chu. (Other SFI-affiliated researchers contributing the PNAS special feature above include Jenna Bednar, Stephanie Forrest, and Scott Page.)
Dynamics of Polarization