  US Mountain Time
Danielle Bassett, University of Pennsylvania; SFI

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Abstract:  In recent years, science has been pushed to grapple with the social and structural systems that produce vast gender and racial imbalances in academic participation. While current discussions largely focus on the role of people in positions of power (e.g., journal editors, grant reviewers and agencies, department chairs, and society presidents), many imbalances are in fact caused and perpetuated by researchers themselves. A key example is imbalance within citation practices, where people from marginalized groups are broadly undercited. Because of the downstream effects that citations can have on visibility and career advancement, understanding and eliminating bias in citation practices is vital for addressing inequity in our scientific community. Here we uncover evidence of striking (and growing) gender imbalance in the reference lists of a candidate discipline (neuroscience). To mitigate this disparity, we discuss relevant ethical considerations and offer practical recommendations to scientists of all ages. We also offer several open-access tools, thereby placing the power for social justice within the hands of individual researchers. We envision an equitable future by all scientists, for all scientists.



Research Collaboration
SFI Host: 
Jennifer Dunne

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