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Stability & Resilience of Complex Systems: An Ecological Perspective
Jennifer Dunne
Professor, Chair of Faculty and Vice President for Science, Santa Fe Institute; Co-Director, Pacific Ecoinformatics and Computational Ecology Lab
Thursday, March 27, 2014
8:00 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m. Talk
Garden Court Hotel
Terrace Room
520 Cowper Street
Palo Alto, CA
Ecosystems are living, breathing complex systems, offering us fascinating insights on what makes some systems endure while others fail. In our rapidly changing world, these insights can mean the difference between survival and death for earth’s inhabitants, both humans and other species. In this talk, SFI Vice President for Science Dr. Jennifer Dunne explores the connections between ecology, economics and the stability of complex systems, from early work by Bob May and Buzz Holling to the latest research influencing critical decisions about our world’s future.
Seating is limited and by invitation only.
Register here.