The Asymptotic Order of the k-SAT Threshold

Dimitris Achlioptas and Cristopher Moore

Proc. Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) 2002

Form a random k-SAT formula on n variables by selecting uniformly and independently m=rn clauses out of all 2^k (n choose k) possible k-clauses. The Satisfiability Threshold Conjecture asserts that for each k there exists a constant r_k such that, as n tends to infinity, the probability that the formula is satisfiable tends to 1 if r < r_k and to 0 if r > r_k. It has long been known that 2^k / k < r_k < 2^k. We prove that r_k > 2^(k-1) \ln 2 - d_k, where d_k -> (1+\ln 2)/2. Our proof also allows a blurry glimpse of the ``geometry'' of the set of satisfying truth assignments, and a nearly exact location of the threshold for Not-All-Equal (NAE) k-SAT.

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Cris Moore <>