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Appendix 2

Here we will calculate the fitness advantage of a genotype with mutation rate tex2html_wrap_inline689 over a genotype with a very low (or 0) mutation rate. Under the assumptions of appendix 1, it is clear that the growth rate for a whole cycle of 2n generations will be tex2html_wrap_inline913 for a mutation rate tex2html_wrap_inline915. To calculate the selection for tex2html_wrap_inline917 we use equation 22. This gives us
where we used tex2html_wrap_inline919. For big enough n, when tex2html_wrap_inline923, and tex2html_wrap_inline917 this gives:
Which means that the growths rate is of the form tex2html_wrap_inline927, K is a function which depends only on s, and not on n. If we compare this with the growths rate of tex2html_wrap_inline913 for a mutation rate of 0, we see that the relative growth rate of a genotype with tex2html_wrap_inline917 vs. a genotype with tex2html_wrap_inline915 will be tex2html_wrap_inline943 for 2n generations, or tex2html_wrap_inline947 per generation. When n is large enough, this gives tex2html_wrap_inline951. Thus the selection in favor of the ``right'' mutation rate will be at least of strength tex2html_wrap_inline757.

Michael Lachmann