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My defense date was 8.18.04; the thesis was submitted at 11 am on 8.20.04.

If you would like a copy of my thesis, you are welcome to download it here. For a hard copy, please just contact me.

There are many options for getting my thesis:

The Bell and Howell abstract: ps, pdf

For those who want what the grad school got: double spaced postscript (7 -> 40 megs) or double spaced pdf (15 megs)

For those of you whose eyesight isn't so bad, and you love trees: single spaced gzipped postscript (7 -> 40 megs) or single spaced pdf (15 megs)

The postscript looks better and prints better, but it is a about 4 times as big as the pdf.

I would love corrections and comments, so if you happen to read it, and feel like emailing me correction and comments, nothing in the world would make me happier.