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general news: PBS, the bbc; cnn, everybody'ss favorite, crappy, sound bite, shallow news source

NEWSPAPERS: ny times and who owns the times (or more accurately, who they own);

GENERAL MAGAZINES: the new republic investigative reporting with national policy and culture; the newyorker --- everybody's favorite; the atlantic; new york times review of books; new york times magazine

ONLINE: slate; salon

FOREIGN POLICY PUBLICATIONS: foreign affairs an awesome foreign policy journal (just make sure you understand the perspective of who is writing what in this journal)

NATIONAL POLICY PUBLICATIONS: the public interest good but not great conservative domestic policy journal; the national interest, a good, conservative journal. the national interest is a "sister" publication of the public interest --- and like it there are some well written articles and some party line, uninformed, partisan hackery; mother jones investigative reporting with respect to social justice; the new republic investigative reporting with national policy and culture

NONPARTISAN NEWS AND WATCHDOG GROUPS: fact check; Media Awareness, Consumer Union; Public Integrity; WHO OWNS THE NEWS; walmart watch

POLITICAL LINKS: political institutes --- independent, partician, left, right, etc.